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Ika Devy Pramudiana
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Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial
ISSN : 25811231     EISSN : 25977334     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
editors accept scientific articles in the form of scientific studies, research works and scientific innovation ideas in the field of public administration, especially related to the development and innovation of public management and public policy that contains social issues that have not been published in journals or other scientific media either in Indonesia or abroad.
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Karakteristik Rumah Tangga Miskin Ektrem di Propinsi Jawa Barat Dudi Suryadi
Jurnal ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jmnegara.v6i2.4561


This research is aim to determine the characteristics of extreme poverty and the factors that affect extreme poor households in West Java. The data used in this study is SUSENAS micro data for March 2020, published by BPS. The method used in this study is binary logistic regression. The independent variables in this study are household characteristics consisting of the number of household members, ownership of accident insurance, ownership of house certificates, and household's place of residence. Other independent variables related to the characteristics of the head of the household, consisting of the number of hours worked, age, education, marital status, gender, literacy, technology use and internet use. Meanwhile, the dependent variable is extreme poor households. Based on the results of the study, the number of household members, ownership of accident insurance, ownership of house certificates, household residence have an effect on extreme poverty. Therefore, to eradicate poverty, especially in West Java, through population control policies, providing social security, facilitating ownership of house asset certificates, as well as equitable development in rural areas. Meanwhile, the policy for alleviating extreme poverty according to the characteristics of the head of the household is to provide decent work, increase household capacity through education and training, and provide equal opportunities and rights for women to enter the labor market with appropriate wages.
Analisis Kebijakan Dana Desa dalam Merespon Masalah Kemiskinan di Indonesia Ajie Hanif Muzaqi; Djoko Susanto; M. Daimul Abror; Tri Ambulanto
Jurnal ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jmnegara.v6i2.4847


This study purposes to describe the evaluation of village fund program policies in answering the problem of poverty in Indonesia between 2017-2021. To obtain data in evaluating this policy, it is obtained from holistic data consisting of the number of poor people and the Building Village Index (IDM). Meanwhile, data analysis was carried out using a descriptive method by dividing into 6 (six) large regions in Indonesia, namely Sumatra, Java & Bali, Maluku & Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and Papua. The results showed that for five years the village fund has increased drastically. This condition also coincides with the decline in the poverty rate of around 15% from 2017 to 2021 in Indonesia. Meanwhile, IDM status by province also shows an increase from what was originally a disadvantaged village in 2017 to a developing village in 2021. The Java & Bali region is the region that contributes the most in improving the status of IDM, be it a developing, developed or independent village. Meanwhile, Papua is the largest area in the context of underdeveloped villages in Indonesia.
Tantangan Pemimpin Perempuan pada Rehabilitas Narkoba Trisna Health Voluntary Center Tulungagung Harlis Setiyowati; Muhammad Alfathan Harriz; Indah Sulistyoningsih; Nurhaliza Vania Akbariani
Jurnal ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jmnegara.v6i2.5016


The success of a female leader will depend on her self-confidence in her abilities and abilities. Women leaders who are business owners often have a strong drive to be able to realize their potential and contribute to society. The Trisna Health Voluntary Center (HVC) Drug Victims Rehabilitation Foundation is run by Mrs. Triswati Sasmito. The HVC Foundation offers social rehabilitation as well as assistance or recovery to substance misuse victims. 1) How to engage and participate in challenges as a female leader is the primary focus of this study. 2) Women leaders' management and implementation of drug rehabilitation initiatives experience. 3) Observe the difficulties faced by female executives in other industries. The conclusions include: 1) How to connect and participate in challenges as a female leader, specifically with a deep touch such that it has a favorable impact on the anticipated results, including speedier recovery and regaining health and even being able to join with family and the local community. 2) The expertise of female company owners in the field of drug rehabilitation, namely in the administration and execution of therapeutic activities utilizing Therapeutic Communities and running Drug Prevention Education (DPE) programs 3) Women leaders in different industries have encountered a variety of difficulties, depending on their respective fields and nations, but they have managed to persevere and keep up their good work. Women still don't participate enough in politics. To donate their own quotas for national growth, it is advised that more women participate.
Penerapan Inovasi Layanan Si Anti Ribet di Kantor Kejaksaan Negeri Kota Surabaya Meita Dian Parmidi; Nihayatus Sholichah; Ika Devy Pramudiana
Jurnal ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jmnegara.v6i2.5120


Si Anti Ribet Innovation (Ready to Deliver Tickets to Home Quickly) is a staffing innovation based on website technology on mobile phones that is useful for verifying data regarding ticket cases to make it easier for people to deal with ticket problems. The Si Anti-Ribet program aimed at people who are ticketed, so they don't need to go to the Surabaya District Attorney's Office to collect a ticket document in the form of a vehicle registration certificate (STNK), but simply by accessing the provided link. The purpose of this study was to find out the application of service innovation as well as the inhibiting and supporting factors in the implementation of Si Anti-Ribet service innovation at the Surabaya District Attorney's Office. The type of research used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques consist of observation, interviews, documentation. Data analysis techniques were carried out by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the Anti-Ribet innovation service at the Surabaya City Public Prosecutor's Office has been going well. and helped the community a lot in solving ticket problems. the community can facilitate access to the latest information, accelerate the flow of information and greatly facilitate communication between individuals, both far and near.
Kajian Pengembangan Desa Wisata Berbasis Komunitas Di Desa Sidorejo Kabupaten Kediri Trimurti Ningtyas; Binti Mutafarida; Indah Rahayu Puspitasari
Jurnal ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jmnegara.v6i2.5121


This article discusses a form of village development planning in the field of tourism. This study on the development of a tourist village has become an important part of the government's efforts to increase the village's economic independence. The existence of a village fund program from the government can be utilized as part of the first source of funding for the development of tourism villages in Sidorejo Village, Kediri Regency. This research uses the CBR (Community Based Research) method so that people's participation in the community can be seen clearly. This study illustrates that socialization and deliberation as a form of community action. The socialization was carried out by involving officials and communities in Sidorejo Village. While deliberations are held with the apparatus to bridge the wishes of the people of Sidorejo Village. The end result is that the community is involved starting from the village tourism development planning process, namely in mapping village land that will be used, physical development planning and funding, as well as operational concepts ranging from the allocation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to the procurement of the informal economy sector such as parking lots and motorcycle taxis. There is community participation as evidence that the results of this study can be followed up for the process of further policy formulation which is to determine the budget plan of the village government in the following year with the priority of developing tourist villages in Sidorejo Village, Kediri Regency.
Identifikasi Pengukuran Indeks Kerentanan Sosial Daerah Rentan Bencana Di Jawa Timur Sudirman Sudirman; Arie Ambarwati; Lunariana Lubis
Jurnal ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jmnegara.v6i2.5125


Letak geografis dan topografi Indonesia yang berada di cincin api menempatkan Indonesia pada risiko tinggi mengalami bencana alam seperti gempa bumi, letusan gunung berapi, tsunami, banjir dan tanah longsor. Bencana selalu mengakibatkan kerugian harta benda dan manusia serta seringkali menyebabkan kehancuran komunitas tertentu. Demografi multietnis di Jawa Timur, provinsi dengan pertumbuhan tinggi terbesar kedua di Indonesia, memungkinkan terjadinya konflik sosial yang dapat mengakibatkan bencana dan kerugian material dan tidak berwujud. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mengukur nilai indeks kerentanan sosial di daerah rawan bencana di Jawa Timur. Dalam penelitian untuk mengukur faktor indeks kerawanan sosial di daerah rawan bencana di Jawa Timur digunakan metode analisis data statistik deskriptif kuantitatif yang disebut analisis faktor dan analisis skoring. Hasil survei mengungkapkan empat faktor utama yang menentukan tingkat kerentanan sosial lokal di delapan kabupaten/kota. Faktor utama adalah faktor I: komposisi rumah tangga berkebutuhan khusus dan berpendidikan rendah (cacat, rasio usia, pendidikan dasar), faktor II: status sosial (status pekerjaan, tingkat bantuan sosial, status perkawinan), faktor III: Faktor ekonomi. Status dan Pendidikan Menengah (Pendapatan, Pendidikan Menengah, Faktor IV : Pendidikan Tinggi (Perguruan Tinggi dan SMA)) Keempat faktor dominan inilah yang kemudian digunakan untuk menghitung kerawanan sosial regional di delapan kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur.
Kepuasan Masyarakat Terhadap Pelayanan Kartu Identitas Anak di Kantor Kecamatan Prambon Kabupaten Sidoarjo Mahardika Prameswari; Sapto Pramono; Sri Roekminiati
Jurnal ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jmnegara.v6i2.5225


Pelayanan publik merupakan rangkaian kegiatan guna pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Pelayanan yang baik akan menimbulkan feedback yang baik, begitu pula sebaliknya pelayanan yang yang kurang baik atau kurang memuaskan dapat menjadi suatu masalah apabila tidak diperbaiki dengan segera. Suatu pelayanan akan berjalan dengan baik dan memuaskan apabila pelaku pelayanan memberikan pelayanan yang prima dan menjadikan pelanggan adalah seorang raja. Pelayanan KIA termasuk pelayanan baru yang ada di Kantor Kecamatan Prambon. KIA adalah identitas resmi seorang anak sebagai tanda bukti bahwa anak tersebut belum atau kurang dari 17 tahun serta belum menikah yang diterbitkan oleh Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten/Kota. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui analisa dan hambatan yang dialami pada saat melakukan pelayanan KIA di Kantor Kecamatan Prambon. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan data yang dikumpulkan berupa data wawancara, data observasi, dan data dokumentasi dengan teori manajemen pelayanan publik yang dirumuskan oleh Ratminto (2005). Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah 1) pelayanan KIA di Kantor Kecamatan Prambon dinilai cukup dan baik, pelayanan tanggap dan masyarakat merasa puas karena ekspektasi mereka terpenuhi, dan 2) hambatan-hambatan yang dialami pada saat melakukan pelayanan KIA di Kantor Kecamatan Prambon bisa diselesaikan dengan baik oleh petugas berkat pendekatan secara deduktif sehingga masyarakat lebih bersikap objektif dan rasional.

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